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1925... A Swiss-born British teacher living in Argentina tames two wild Patagonia horses

and sets off from Buenos Aires to New York


8 x 50' Limited Series, Adventure

Based on Aime Tschiffely's bestseller "Tschiffely's Ride"

           A madman's plan!

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"Absurd!" said the "experts"

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Issue of National Geographic dedicated to Tschiffely's adventure, February 1929.

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Family of Tehuelche Chief Liempichún who sold Mancha and Gato to rancher Dr. Emilio Solanet, in 1915
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10-week trek through Patagonia to El Cardal - Solanet's ranch where he gifted Mancha and Gato to Tschiffely, 15 years after purchasing them from the Tehuelche chief.  Below, site for Tehuelches' hunt,
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Cafe Tortoni - where Tschiffely heard Gardel sing and sealed his deal with Graham - yesterday like today.
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St George's College - Boys' school outside Buenos Aires where Tschiffely was admired by all pupils and dared dream the impossible

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April 23, 1925 - DAY ONE of his 16,000 km journey.  Tschiffely says so long to Buenos Aires.

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Northern Argentina and beyond...

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Mosquitoes and other vermin

Tschiffely protecting Mancha and Gato ag

The "sport" that horrified Tschiffely in Lima, Peru.

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Crossing the Matacaballo Desert, in Peru - never before achieved.

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Aime's own hand drawing after crossing the "impossible" Rio Santa, in the Peruvian Andes.

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Santa River crossing - Tschiffely's orig

Crossing flimsy hanging bridge over deadly precipice, in Ecuador

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Border diplomacy in the high mountains...

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Sailing with cattle down the Magdalena River - Colombia, 1926

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By barge across The Panama Canal, 1926

And a rest a the US Marine Barracs

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Marine barracs hospital Panama SAMPLE 1.
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Long days and weeks without seeing another soul, in the jungles of Central America, with only his horses to pass the time.

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Castle of  Chapultepec - 1927

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President Plutarco Calles - in a fratricide war against the Church's Cristeros - received Tschiffely at the Presidential Palace.  They saw eye-to-eye on many matters - except the violence Aimé abhorred and witnessed crossing this country.
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Cristeros pause during Mexican religious war
Federales execute Cristero leader, Mexico 1926
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Cactus country - months of Mexican desert moving North

Mexican-US border, 1928

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Making friends along the way became Aimé's best coin.

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Triumphal arrival in New York, September 1928 - Ticker-tape parade and Keys to NYC from Mayor Jimmy Walker.

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"Pan American" - Steamer that took Tschiffely and his traveling companions back to Buenos Aires, Xmas 1928.

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"Don Roberto" Cunningham Graham, the man who help Tschiffely's dream come true, with his protegee, back in Argentina, circa 1930.

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Sample storyboards by Ulrich Zeidler
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Statement from a friend...
Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 2.29.41 PM.png,  PO BOX 691640, Los Angeles, CA 90069 +1-310-6598888.  In Paris +33-603844616.  Buenos Aires +54-911- 38806573.

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